Project initiation document template

Establishing a central source of truth before a project begins is the best way to keep your team aligned. Using a project initiation document template can help you do this easily.

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The project initiation phase is an important time to establish the foundation of a successful project. Laying out all the key information early ensures that your entire team is on the same page before your work even begins. The best way to do this? Create a project initiation document template.

What is a project initiation document (PID)?

A project initiation document (PID) is a type of document that project managers create before they begin a project. This document compiles key project information such as the project scope, goals, success criteria, business value, and potential project risks. This is also commonly referred to as a project charter or a project brief.

The main goal of the PID is to provide a high-level overview of a project so that key stakeholders can quickly understand the major project objectives and project approach. Key information like the five W’s of project management (who, what, when, where, why) are clearly laid out so team members can find them at a glance. This gives all project stakeholders quick insight into the project objectives, project plan, and key project deliverables.

What is a project initiation document (PID) template?

A project initiation document (PID) template is a reusable outline of a project initiation document. It’s best used when you’re creating new projects so you can quickly duplicate the template, and then fill in the relevant project information. This saves project managers time so they don’t have to create a brand new PID every time they start a new project.

Why should you use a PID template?

Using a project initiation document template provides your team with a few different benefits. Here’s how it can help you:

What’s included in a project initiation document template?

A good project initiation document template will have all of the important project information a stakeholder needs to know in a glance. This template should include:

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How do you create a project initiation document?

The best way to start creating a project initiation document is to use a project initiation document (PID) template. This provides you with the basic framework of everything you need to accurately create your document—all you need to do is fill in the information that’s relevant to that specific project.

What’s included in a project initiation document (PID) template?

A project initiation document template typically contains project goals, success metrics, project scope, communication strategy, resourcing strategy, key stakeholders, and project risks. This helps those who are working on the project and key stakeholders get a quick glance of project specifics without having to spend time searching for information.

What is the project initiation phase?

The project initiation phase in project management is the beginning of project creation. Your team establishes the goals of the project, the problems you’re trying to solve, define the scope, and lay out important references such as the resourcing strategy and communication strategy. This phase is when you would use a project initiation template to create a document.

What are the 4 steps of project initiation?

The four steps of project initiation are: create a project charter or business case, identify key stakeholders and pitch your project, run a feasibility study, and assemble your team and tools.