Love Language Unlocked: Acts of Service

The acts of service love language is all about showing your partner how much they mean to you through little acts of kindness. From bringing them breakfast in bed to folding their laundry, there are a million personalized acts of service that you can incorporate into your relationship.

Far from chores, these loving gestures mean the world to those who hold this love language close to their heart.

What are the 5 love languages?

The concept of love language was devised by Dr. Gary Chapman, with each love language created to explain the different wants people prefer to give and receive love.

In his bestselling book, The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts, as well as in his later articles, Chapman defined the love languages as follows:

Physical touch

Chapman’s theory is that by knowing your partner’s primary love language, you can improve your connection and learn how to showcase your affection in a more personal way.

If you’re unsure about which love language is for you, take the love language quiz to rank the five love languages for you!

What is the act of service love language?

The acts of service love language is about showing love through actions and deeds that make your loved ones' life easier.

These tasks are done with the intention of making your partner feel loved, secure, and cherished in your relationship. Acts of service are small gestures of affection that showcase your love for your partner.

These can be little things, from making your significant other a cup of coffee to completing their least favorite household chores after a long day. Like all love languages, acts of service are very personal — so they should be tailored to your loved ones' own preferences.

Signs your love language is acts of service

Everyone speaks and responds to different love languages, depending on what they need in a romantic relationship.

When expressing or receiving love, you usually have one preferred love language, though you may respond to more than one of the five.

These are some signs that acts of service may be part of your love language:

What are the benefits of acts of service in a relationship?

Research shows that tailoring your approach to your significant other's love language can benefit your relationship by creating a positive emotional climate in which you can thrive together. Therefore, by being aware of your partner’s love language, it’s easier to satisfy your partner’s emotional needs.

So if their love language is acts of service, making an effort by running errands or ticking off their to-do list — has huge benefits for your relationship!

For those unfamiliar with the benefits of acts of service, it can feel like you’re just taking on your loved one’s chores, but that’s not the case! These gestures are just another way of filling up your partner’s “love tank” and showing them that you understand and respect their personal love language.